Sushi Pizza

Pizza? Sushi? Who doesn’t love both of those?

This was my experiment combining the two of them and coming up with something spectacular.

  1. The Crust.
    I bought some Sourdough Pizza Skins on Amazon. These are my favorite. My wife prefers Gluten-free foods, so I accommodate her the best I can. Using a cookie cutter, I cut 4″ rounds. I placed the rounds in the oven until they had slight char marks from the rack in the oven
  2. The Rice
    Using an InstantPot, and using the rice setting, I made my rice. This is a 2:1 ratio (Water to Rice).
    Prior to turning it on, I added a tablespoon of sea salt, a tablespoon of Sesame Oil and a tablespoon of Sugar.
  3. The base.
    It’s all about the base…in this case, I made a Wasabe Mayo. Mixed Wasabi paste to mayonnaise until I got the right heat.
  4. The layers.
    1. Crust
    2. Slather it with the Wasabe Mayo
    3. I took the same form cutter that I used to create the 4″ rounds. I placed that over the pizza round and tamped down the sushi rice when it had slightly cooled.
    4. Salmon, Ahi, another dollop of the Wasabe Mayo, Diced Pickled Ginger, Red Onion and Micro Greens.
    5. Once everything was assembled, I drizzled soy sauce over the top.

You can add a lot of different things to this, shrimp, sliced avocado, jalapenos, dicon radish, water chestnuts, sesame seeds, caviar, etc.

You can also come up with different mayo bases too. Sriracha, Chinese Mustard, Terriyaki…have fun with this one.

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