Southern Baked Chicken

Confession time. I love fried food but I hate the mess, having to clean the oil and the spattering. I bought a really cool deep fryer about a year ago and it’s been sitting unused that entire time.
Baking or air frying is so much easier and healthier (with less clean-up)

This meal is garlicky cheesy grits, with baked chicken and the star of the show…sauteed baby kale cooked in duck fat, with grape tomatoes, and garlic.

The chicken was prepared by dipping it a flour mixture, then egg wash and panko. Panko can sometimes be too coarse so I always throw a cup into the food processor and grind it down a bit. This makes the texture much more desirable. The other tip is, before putting it on the wire grate over a baking sheet, I spray it with olive oil. I then cook at 425 degrees until its about 160 to 165 as an inside temp. Gives that fried chicken texture that we all love.

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