Shrimp and Grits

My recommendation for Grits? Don’t use water.

  • 3 Cups Chicken Bone Broth
  • 1 Cup Heavy Cream
  • 4 ox Cream Cheese
  • 1/2 stick of butter
  • 1 Cup of Cheddar Cheese
  • 2 teaspoons of coarse black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt
  • 1 Cup Grits


I stand at the stove the entire time I am cooking this and am constantly stirring. It’s a pain, the reward is great.

Put the broth in your large saucepan and when it starts to boil, pour in your grits.  Keep stirring as you pour, add more and stir until they are all in the pot. Add your salt and pepper and stir.

Turn the heat down to low and cover. After 5 minutes, take the lid off and add your cup of heavy cream, stir, stir, stir.

Put the lid back on and after another 5 minutes, remove the lid, stir them again, and add your 1/2 stick of butter (a whole stick is even better)
Stir, stir, stir.

Put the lid back on. After 5 minutes, take the lid off and stir. Take your cream cheese and pull off little blobs and start dropping those into the grits. Stir, drop a couple cream cheese blobs, stir, drop in more, stir, etc., until you have all of the cheese in there.

If your grits are getting too thick, add more cream or broth (if you’ve run out, now you *could* pour in a little bit of water. Put the lid on and after another 5 minutes, take off the lid and keep stirring. Add your cheddar cheese and keep stirring until you get the consistency you want.

I top mine with butterfly shrimp, green onions, cracked pepper, hot sauce, and a few pieces of finely chopped jalapeno.


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