Lasagna Soup

Starting with an onion, dice it and put it in your pot with a little olive oil. Next, chop up your garlic and throw that in too. Keep sauteeing until your onions get translucent, and then add a pound of hamburger (you could use any ground meat of your choice.)
I’m using some pasta sauce that I made that was pretty spicy, so I am not adding any additional spices until the very end. You can also use your favorite pasta sauce. One of my favorite store-bought sauces is Rao’s.

After you have browned and broken the meat down, cook this for a few minutes to get every mixed together really well, then…add a large container of beef stock (again, depending on your meat choice, you could add vegetable or chicken stock, too).

Start simmering everything on a relatively low heat.
My new favorite pasta is calamarata – a pretty large round pasta. You can also use lasagna noodles, which is much easier to work with. When you cook your pasta, stop cooking when it’s very al dente since it’ll continue cooking in the lasagna soup.

I rarely, if ever, rinse my pasta. I like how the starch in the pasta thickens whatever I put it in.
Still on low heat, gently simmer this for about 30 minutes. Add additional salt, pepper, pepper flakes, and whatever other Italian spices you like, and cook for another 15-20 minutes. You are ready to serve.

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