BBQ Chicken Breasts with Sweet Potato

The night before last I made a cool rice/ahi/avocado meal using a spring form mold. If you don’t know what this is, it’s a little cooking device that allows you to bake or present food in a circular mold. Then, you can release the hinge on the mold and the food stay in the shape of a circle.

I am really working on my presentation skills, my food tastes great, but it tends to look like I have 10 thumbs. My knife skills look like I am using a chainsaw so I am focusing on how to improve my presentation.

Dinner was BBQ chicken with sweet potatoes. This is a nod to some of the great soul food joints in Oakland where I grew up. It’s not Really BBQ,…but chicken with BBQ sauce.

My wife picked me up a  couple bottles of BB King BBQ sauce on a road trip that she had with one of our sons from Virginia to Las Vegas via the Southern route. (I have to add that she also picked me up a bottle of Jack Daniels Green Label….that rocked)
Using the pressure cooker I poured in the entire bottle and a put in a couple of chicken breasts. and set the pressure cooker on high for 25 minutes. It’s important to experiment with pressure cookers and to set times and temperatures for the one you own. They are not all the same.

I took 2 Sweet Potatoes and stabbed them with a fork in a half-dozen places and microwaved them for about 20 minutes. Once out, I allowed them to cool. Once cool, I peeled off the skins and put these in a large mixing bowl and broke them down with a fork to create a sweet potato mash.

When this was the right consistency, I added about a 1/2 cup of mascarpone,  about a 2″  slice of butter from a butter cube, 1/4 cup of shredded mozzarella, salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of nutmeg and blended all of this together.

I filled the springform mold about half-way. A couple of nights ago, I made gluten-free biscuits. I took a couple of these and broke them into small crumbles and packed those on top of the sweet potato. On top of that, I shredded the chicken and packed that down in the spring mold. I added several additional spoonfuls, poured extra BBQ sauce on top and garnished with thinly sliced jalapenos.

This was a delicious shareable meal for two.

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