
Cheater Risoto

I love making traditional risotto, and I know a lot of purists will disagree with me…but part of the food experience is to make delicious food using different techniques and driving tasty and bold flavors. […]

Comfort Food

Lasagna Soup

Starting with an onion, dice it and put it in your pot with a little olive oil. Next, chop up your garlic and throw that in too. Keep sauteeing until your onions get translucent, and […]


Baked Koftka

Usually, these are made as Kebabs, put on a skewer and then on your grill…this is started in the oven and then finished in a cast iron skillet to get some tasty char. • 1 […]



If you do a search for recipes, there are a couple of camps of people…those who use cilantro and those who don’t. The plan here was to make enough to can a bunch of these. […]