Tomato Bisque Soup…and the rest of the meal.

This week, I am cooking for one…wife is out of town and I am eating things that she normally doesn’t like. Red meat is one of them.

The picture is dinner.

  • Appetizer: Two of the World’s Ugliest Jalapeno Poppers
  • Tomato Bisque Soup
  • Broccoli with some of the same cheese mix that I used for the Poppers
  • American style Kobe Beef Ribeye
  • Not Pictured but a Modelo Negro Ice Cold Beer.


  • 3 Medium Heirloom Tomatoes – whenever I make salsa, soups, pasta gravy, I boil a pot of water, drop in the tomatoes and when the skins start to split, I scoop them out and drop them in an ice bath. When they cool down, I then easily peel off the skins, chop them up and in this case I put them in my pressure cooker.
  • SPICES – salt, pepper, about 1/8 cup of diced onions and 1/8 cup of celery, salt, pepper, basil a touch of rosemary
  • 1/2 cup of Chicken Bone Broth
  • 3/4 cup of  heavy cream
  • Serve and sprinkle a little dried basil on top (fresh if you have it)

I cooked this for about an hour. Using a pressure cooker for soup really enhances the flavor and nothing evaporates.

I cheated on this…Trader Joes Florets. Defrost in the microwave and I added a heaping tablespoon of the cheese mixture that I had left over from the Jalapeno Poppers


  • Here is my secret…With a ribeye, there is always fat around the edges of the steak. I cut off a chunk of the fat.
  • Heat a cast iron skillet until you can see smoke coming off the surface
  • Drop in the chunk of fat – let the fat melt
  • I had made a spice batch that I put on the steak. I used cracked pepper, kosher salt, paprika, crushed dried shallots.
  • Sprinkle the seasoning on the steak
  • When the fat is almost done, turn on the over fan, open the window in the kitchen (we have these really sensitive smoke detectors) and drop the steak in, seasoning side down. While one side is cooking, sprinkle more of your seasoning on the top of the steak.
  • LEAVE THE STEAK ALONE – It’s tempting to mess with it…don’t. Let it cook for 4 or 5 minutes (longer if it’s really thick) and then, with tongs, flip it. If it’s cooked properly, it should not stick to the pan.
  • DON’T MESS WITH THE STEAK – Let it cook on the other side, using your thumb or forefinger, check the surface of the steak…you can tell how rare or overcooked it is. I like medium rare-rare.
  • Now…take the steak out of the pan, and set aside for up to 10 minutes and let it rest.
  • Plate your dinner and you are ready to eat.


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